Call Now 207.262.1057 and be entered in drawings for Gifts from our Sponsors
Thursday Thank You Gift - 9/29/2011 - SJ Rollins of Bangor

Everyone that calls today during Pledge Drive will be entered into a drawing to win a Thank You Gift of a HP TouchPad, courtesy of SJ Rollins Technologies of Bangor.
Call NOW with your best gift at 262-1057.
(pledging and/or donating is not necessary to enter)
304 Stillwater Avenue Furniture - Call to Enter our Drawing

Everyone that calls during Pledge Drive will be entered into a drawing to win a Grand Prize Thank You Gift Package - a Living Room Set of Couch, Loveseat and Chair, courtesy of 304 Stillwater Avenue Furniture of Bangor.
Call NOW with your best gift at 262-1057.
(pledging and/or donating is not necessary to enter)
© 2011 Lighthouse Radio Network
1476 Broadway, Bangor, ME 04401
(207) 947-2751
1476 Broadway, Bangor, ME 04401
(207) 947-2751