The Future of Solution FM
Solution FM is at a crucial crossroads facing some very difficult decisions over the next few months.
Have you ever had that feeling like you were standing before a Goliath in your life with only a tiny squirt gun? You might have thought, “I don’t have a chance against this monster with a measly squirt gun? Lord, what can I do!”
Noah preached to the old world for a hundred years, but only eight souls were saved. Lot preached to the cities of the plain, but only three souls were chosen from them. Six hundred thousand men, besides women and children, passed through the Red Sea, but only two entered the Promised Land. Gideon went to fight the Midianites with 32,000 men, but only 300 were allowed to participate in the victory. "Many are called but few chosen."
I know I can’t speak for you, but I desperately want to be among the few. We’re asking you, if you want to be among the chosen few that God uses to continue touching lives every day with the hope and love of Jesus through Solution FM, then we need your financial partnership. Many have said yes, but too many have yet to say, “I’m with you!”
Wednesday, May 5th through Friday, May 7th is your opportunity to stand with us. We’ve raised 58% of our need and MUST raise another $20,000, minimum, toward our 2010 Operating Budget. That’s you and just 165 others pledging $20 a month.
What does the Lord want for Solution FM’s future? I don’t know, but we’re at a critical juncture facing some tough choices, so would you pray that God raise up the few who have not said “Yes” yet to giving a financial gift to this much needed work? May we count on you to pray?
Thank you,
Marc Tischart
General Manager