Miracle Maker
Do you know a Miracle Maker? Nominate a person that has made a difference in your community and they could win a Third Day Tour Experience!
*Nominate a friend by calling 262-1057 or by sending an email to [email protected].
If we share your story on the air you’ll win Third Day’s new CD “Miracle”.
At the end of the week we’ll randomly choose one Grand Prize winner. The Grand Prize winner will receive a Third Day CD library for them self and one for their Miracle Maker, PLUS 4 tickets to the Third Day concert and 4 passes to attend the pre-show event to be split with their Miracle Maker!
*Nominate a friend by calling 262-1057 or by sending an email to [email protected].
If we share your story on the air you’ll win Third Day’s new CD “Miracle”.
At the end of the week we’ll randomly choose one Grand Prize winner. The Grand Prize winner will receive a Third Day CD library for them self and one for their Miracle Maker, PLUS 4 tickets to the Third Day concert and 4 passes to attend the pre-show event to be split with their Miracle Maker!