Tom was managing WHCF in 1998 when he become aware that there was a radio station in Lincoln that was going through bankruptcy. God gave the vision of Solution FM as a station that would one day reach and bless the next generation. Solution FM went on the air in 1999. In 2000, Tom changed positions and moved to Bangor Baptist Church as Assistant Pastor. However, in July 2012 he was made aware that Solution FM would cease to exist and closeits doors. This was devastating news. After much prayer and talking with the family Tom began Lighthouse Radio Network and became the owner of Solution FM. Since then the station began to go back to it’s original mission to reach and bless our young people of today. It is not about the money, it is about the mission. As a former youth director of 15+ years, he knows thehardships facing our kids today. Tom has been married to his high school sweetheart, Lori, for 46 years, has two wonderful daughters, Sheila Collins and Sarah Keib, who have given him 5 amazing grand-kids. Son-in-law, Tim Collins can be heard on-air and his 2nd son in law, Steve Keib, is the Children’s Pastor at Bangor Baptist Church. Email Tom at [email protected]